• Your player report will be reviewed as quickly as possible and managed as appropriate to the situation. When necessary, we may request additional clarification from you in regards to your report..

    Screenshots, videos, and/or client journal logs that identify the purpose of this report are extremely helpful. Please include those whenever possible.

    False claims against other players or using player reports to harass a player will not be tolerated.

    We will let you know when your ticket has been closed, but we will not share any actions taken against other members.

Create ticket

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Please select the server or service, to which this request applies.
Please provide the offenders in game name.
Please enter the account name/user ID for the server this relates to.
Please enter the character name this relates to. If there is no character name enter NA.
Please enter the date you experienced the challenge.
Please provide the in-game coordinates that apply to this report, if applicable.


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