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Supper Time
It took three days to wedge a clear path through the rubble in the foyer, the result of decades of storing materials that could eventually come in handy but hadn't. Muree's modest vessel needed many a trip to and fro the island to get rid of moldy boards and derelict tools. "The momma of all understatements," she thought, watching the lighthouse slowly inching away; someone had called it a 'charming fixer-upper' and Muree secretly daydreamed clocking the smart ass! More blisters formed under the bandages on her hand, keeping company to the old unhealed wounds that still hurt like-
Nah, Dee wouldn't like that. Things were fine. Waveguide was indeed a gorgeous lighthouse and, now that it was theirs, it would also become a home.
* * *
A makeshift table was set wherever they could muster some space to set dinner for three. The sun kept retreating from the grimy windows when at last a man crossed the door sill.
"Fin'lly," Muree said, shoving a fruit crate his way with a foot, not bothering to hide her sneer.
"Thank you for waiting," he nodded and sat on the crate, putting his hat away to inspect the meal. He reached for the bowl of greens until he felt the blonde girl's stare to his right. "Sorry, Dee."
They chained hands around the table and, after a brief silence, broke the ring to share the first supper under a new roof. Muree was the first one to speak.
"Mander, the lantern been dealt with?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah."
"Really? That's good!" she said, looking at Dee with arched brows.
"Well, mostly," he added, chewing some bread.
"So, all set with Isaac then? He'll restore it?"
"I, uhm, haven't exactly spoken with him yet."
Muree pursed her lips and a flush rapidly took hold of her face.
"Sister, we-"
"Tegwen-Dee, hold!" she said on cue, slamming her fist on the shaky table. The younger girl looked at Aleximandrus for a moment before bringing a napkin to her lips, downcast.
"I'll do it!" he said, palms facing up.
"Between us three," she said after a deep breath, "you're the only one not pullin' your weight. Wastin' your time doin' Virtues know what is one thin', but 'em renovations are a big deal! It's high time you did some' around, anythin' for that matter!"
"Oh, like I have done nothing!" he looked between Muree and Dee, but the latter's gaze was still downcast. "I go to great lengths to study under renowned tutors, and travel all the land to earn my funds without asking a dime from either of you!"
"Mander, you also acquire and expend such funds on furthering your own knowledge mostly," Dee said, still watching the potatoes. "'Tis a dangerous road when your needs are ranked higher than those of your brethren."
"Oh, don't start! As a reminder, there is not a Mother at this table."
"Yeah, but I'm the damned next best thin', for you both!", Muree said, standing up so fast she toppled her crate over.
"Sis!", Dee looked up with her mouth half-open.
"Apologies", she rubbed her lips for a moment, as if wiping them would retract the words back in. "I s'ppose we're now all aware of our tasks."
"I must be off", Aleximandrus reached for his hat. Both women watched as he rose to open the door.
"Mander, we mean it," Muree said right before he left, making him hold the door for another second before disappearing outside.