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Guild Spotlights

The Sosarian Empire
  • Closed Group
  • 8K
  • 1
  • 1
  • 0
The Sosarian Empire is an old guild known as TSE. We were created on Hybrid and then moved to UOF. TSE was created for players who wanted to learn the game and have a group of people to work beside with. This group is just made in memory!
Soul Reapers
  • Public Group
  • 820
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
Soul Reaper guild known as S*R started many moons ago on a different shard of this world we call Sosaria. Many have parted ways with the passing of the moons, but the guild still holds together. Always looking for new members to join the guild(family).

  • Sticky
PoV Maintenance Patch Updates

Today’s patch is brought to you by @Voxpire;! He is also working on a fix for player Barkeepers disappearing in houses. Send him a thanks if you get a chance!

1. Spell Icons configurations placed with Sorcery, Druidry and Chivalry will now be saved and loaded automatically.

2. The Chivalry Spell Arch Bless no longer causes the Spellbook and Spell Icons to stop working.
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OFFICIAL The Lunar New Year Event!


The Lunar New Year Celebration is here!

Throughout the 1st week of the festival new login rewards will be added semi-daily, leading up to a story driven quest, a boss & unique rewards that will never be available again! So make sure to jump into the game and be ready! Happy Lunar New Year!!

Login Rewards #1

NEW TODAY!! 1/31/25!!

Happy Lunar New Year!! New Login Rewards SOON!​
  • Fire
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PoV Updates Patch

Fresh of the presses...Patch Updates! Thank to our newest player, @Draku, for pointing out some issues with the Orc professions! And thanks to everyone for being awesome players!

1. Orc characters now start in the Orc town of Burzum in the vendor area.

2. Orc characters can now buy and sell from Vendors in Vesper.

3. Fire Gems have been added to bonus resources.

4. A new epic quest has been added, with a new area and new boss.

PoV Updates Patch

A few minor pathes, with more to come!

  1. Made some alterations to AR for a few pieces I missed. Changed Gold Plate Armor AR to 32. Updated the Wiki Armor page to include Copper and Gold Armor.
  1. Modified a few higher level boss and champ mobs to tweak (lower) the damage they do from breath weapons. Still challenging but will not automatically insta kill any player character it hits. That’s not fun.

PoV Updates Patch

A few more fixes on the way to a bugless shard...:).

1. Fixed an issue with the Chivalry spell Cleanse by Fire. It was using Chivalry instead of Magery. It should work now.

2. Fixed an issie with spell icon redundancy in spellbooks for Chivarly, Sorcery, and Druidry.

3. Add new Heat Source and Oven items to Crafting.

4. Fixed an issue with a quest that was not complete.

PoV Patch Updates

Updates are here at last! Now, on to the next batch..:). These will be in the next Server restart.

1. I have added a button that allows players to opt out of the Character Creation process and continue to explore the Intro Area. They may return to the Fortune-Teller’s wagon at any time to restart Character Creation.

2. Character Portraits are now separated into feminine and masculine, with selection menus sent based on character gender.

3. The cost of various Imbuing Tools has been increased to 10000 on all Vendors that sell them.

4. Added a few new dungeon areas and a new dungeon level.

5. Added some new boss and mini-champ spawns and modified some loot drops. Also added a few new low level mobs.

6. Added several new items to The Curiosity Collector buy menu, including hued boxes dropped by certain mobs. These can now be sold to the Curiosity Collectors in Britain and Nujel’m.

7. Added some new book loot items unique to Treasure Chests.

8. The Chivalry spell Close Wounds healing cap is now 39.

RP Chronicles: Quaint lives in Moonglow, Britannia

════ ★ I ★ ════​

Supper Time

It took three days to wedge a clear path through the rubble in the foyer, the result of decades of storing materials that could eventually come in handy but hadn't. Muree's modest vessel needed many a trip to and fro the island to get rid of moldy boards and derelict tools. "The momma of all understatements," she thought, watching the lighthouse slowly inching away; someone had called it a 'charming fixer-upper' and Muree secretly daydreamed clocking the smart ass! More blisters formed under the bandages on her hand, keeping company to the old unhealed wounds that still hurt like-

Nah, Dee wouldn't like that. Things were fine. Waveguide was indeed a gorgeous lighthouse and, now that it was theirs, it would also become a home.

* * *

A makeshift table was set wherever they could muster some space to set dinner for three. The sun kept retreating from the grimy windows when at last a man crossed the door sill.

"Fin'lly," Muree said, shoving a fruit crate his way with a foot, not bothering to hide her sneer.

"Thank you for waiting," he nodded and sat on the crate, putting his hat away to inspect the meal. He reached for the bowl of greens until he felt the blonde girl's stare to his right. "Sorry, Dee."

They chained hands around the table and, after a brief silence, broke the ring to share the first supper under a new roof. Muree was the first one to speak.

"Mander, the lantern been dealt with?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah."

"Really? That's good!" she said, looking at Dee with arched brows.

"Well, mostly," he added, chewing some bread.

"So, all set with Isaac then? He'll restore it?"

"I, uhm, haven't exactly spoken with him yet."

Muree pursed her lips and a flush rapidly took hold of her face.

"Sister, we-"

"Tegwen-Dee, hold!" she said on cue, slamming her fist on the shaky table. The younger girl looked at Aleximandrus for a moment before bringing a napkin to her lips, downcast.

"I'll do it!" he said, palms facing up.

"Between us three," she said after a deep breath, "you're the only one not pullin' your weight. Wastin' your time doin' Virtues know what is one thin', but 'em renovations are a big deal! It's high time you did some' around, anythin' for that matter!"

"Oh, like I have done nothing!" he looked between Muree and Dee, but the latter's gaze was still downcast. "I go to great lengths to study under renowned tutors, and travel all the land to earn my funds without asking a dime from either of you!"

"Mander, you also acquire and expend such funds on furthering your own knowledge mostly," Dee said, still watching the potatoes. "'Tis a dangerous road when your needs are ranked higher than those of your brethren."

"Oh, don't start! As a reminder, there is not a Mother at this table."

"Yeah, but I'm the damned next best thin', for you both!", Muree said, standing up so fast she toppled her crate over.

"Sis!", Dee looked up with her mouth half-open.

"Apologies", she rubbed her lips for a moment, as if wiping them would retract the words back in. "I s'ppose we're now all aware of our tasks."

"I must be off", Aleximandrus reached for his hat. Both women watched as he rose to open the door.

"Mander, we mean it," Muree said right before he left, making him hold the door for another second before disappearing outside.
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PoV Maintenance Patch

I am pleased to bring you the latest bug fixes, with a special thankks to @Nedoral for discovering and reporting these issues! These fixes will be live when the shard restarts in the morning. Without further ado:

1. Fixed an issue with Blade Spirits and Energy Vortex whereby performing beneficial actions on them crashed the shard.

2. We have decided to continue requiring 2 control slots for Energy Vortex for reasons of balance. This information has been fixed on the wiki. Also, Energy Vortex will require 2 slots.

3. Fixed an issue wth the Disarm Attack of Brigand and Pirate Captains crashing the shard when used against summons and certain other mobs.
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Game Nights Join us Sunday Jan 26th @ 8PM Eastern for another Live Hosted Game Night!

🎉 Ready to laugh until you snort soda out your nose? Join us for the ultimate Game Night! Head to the Auditorium Stage in our Discord to join us for live hosted fun playing Use Your Words, Murder Trivia Party 2, and other games! No software or downloads needed to play!

Once you're all cozy, fire up your browser and wait for your host to provide the URL to goto and the 4-letter room code we’ll reveal like a secret handshake. That’s your golden ticket to playing! Feel like just watching? Use the same code to jump in as a spectator.

Arrive a little early to claim your spot and get in the game! It’s first come, first served, baby! We’ll be cracking jokes and making puns for about two and a half hours, making sure everyone gets a shot at the spotlight (as long as you behave, wink wink). Spectators welcome, too!

Game Nights Live Hosted Game Night! Come play with us... Thursday Jan 9th @ 7PM Eastern

🎉 Ready to laugh until you snort soda out your nose? Join us for the ultimate Game Night! Head to the Auditorium Stage in our Discord to join us for live hosted fun playing Use Your Words, Murder Trivia Party 2, and other games! No software or downloads needed to play!

Once you're all cozy, fire up your browser and wait for your host to provide the URL to go to and the 4-letter room code we’ll reveal like a secret handshake. That’s your golden ticket to playing! Feel like just watching? Use the same code to jump in as a spectator.

Arrive a little early to claim your spot and get in the game! It’s first come, first served, baby! We’ll be cracking jokes and making puns for about two and a half hours, making sure everyone gets a shot at the spotlight (as long as you behave, wink wink). Spectators welcome, too!

🎄Happy Holidays & Exciting News from UORealms

If you're not on our mailing list, or did not see our most recent mailing, please take a look at the following URL:

From the entire UORealms team, and myself, I want to wish everyone a beautiful holiday season. Regardless of belief systems, or holidays, I do have this wish for everyone that I will share now:

I wish you all an amazing 2025 filled with new adventures, endless joy, good health, happiness, love, and good health. Let's make kindness, compassion, and caring part of our goals in the New Year, and let's come forge deeper friendships.

Thank you all for being here, and helping to make my dream a reality. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Happy Holidays!

Quick Reminder About Global Chat and Upcoming Events

Hey all! I just wanted to shoot a quick reminder that you can speak in global chat by using [C followed by your text. I hope to have this corrected to work as is normal in an Ultima Online client, but for the current time that will allow you to interact with others via Global and have it recorded to your journal.

Live events will begin after the first of the year, as well as contests! Please stay keep an eye out in Discord, our forums, and if you have not already - please join our mailing list to be the first to know about updates at UORealms!

We appreciate you, and thanks for playing with us!

Game Nights 🎉 Join Us Thursday 12/12 For Game Night in Discord at 7PM Eastern!

Listen up, legends! Game Nights are here to turn your second Thursdays, at 7PM Eastern each month, into the most epic, hilarious, and downright unpredictable nights of the month. That’s right—we’re taking over The Stage (inside the Auditorium on Discord) and turning it into a no-download, no-fuss, all-fun gaming arena. We’re talking Use Your Words, Trivia Murder Party 2, Survey Scramble, and a few mystery games that’ll keep you on your toes. And trust us—you won’t want to miss these.

Here’s How It’s Going Down:​

  • Zero Setup, Just Show Up: No software, no downloads. Just open your browser, pop into The Stage, and wait for the game code drop.
  • First Come, First Served: When that code drops, it’s every gamer for themselves! Jump in fast to claim your spot as a player—or join as a spectator for unlimited, front-row laughs.
  • Multiple Rounds = More Chances to Shine: Each Game Night has a full lineup of rounds, so if you’re not in the first one, hang tight! Some rounds even have prizes for the taking (we’re talking more than bragging rights, people).

🚨 Mark Those Calendars, People! 🚨Second Thursday (7PM Eastern) and fourth Sunday (8PM Eastern) each month. That’s when the fun goes down, and if you snooze, you lose!

So come on, clear your schedule, bring the sass, and get ready to turn those two nights a month into unforgettable Game Night memories. See you in The Stage!

Exciting updates, new content, and contests are coming to UORealms!

We're excited to announce that we have new updates coming to our Ultima Online servers, new games, contests, and merch coming very soon! We encourage everyone to make sure they're part of our newsletter to be the first to know! If you're not already on our mailing list, you can join here:



Nobles can be used!!! Not just in the shop for rl goods or in game gold. They can also be used when the higher ups to a raffle! Like this last one to get a 8to 10 pound turkey. They are not hard to earn either!!! if you get on the forum and post....can earn noble...or get in a game. I have earned nobles when I log in and play on pov of fc for a couple of hours. I bet 2 hours of play in a bbs can earn a noble to. If you have ideas on how to earn aside from these (don't forgoet yer bd nobles) you can post them here. HIgher ups can look and either like or not. But ideas put forth are always wanted.
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🎉 Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle Winner Announced! 🦃

We have a winner! 🏆 After a great round of entries, we’re excited to announce that the Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle winner is...
White Lotus

This lucky participant will soon be enjoying a delicious 8 to 10 lb Hickory Smoked Whole Turkey just in time for Thanksgiving! 🦃🍂

Thank you to everyone who entered and made this raffle a success. Stay tuned for more fun events and chances to win in the future!
  • Good job
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SleepiestBoness is interested in live D&D campaigns!

Username: SleepiestBoness

Name SleepiestBoness

Do you have a Discord account? Yes

Discord ID SleepiestBoness

Your email address

Time Zone UTC-05:00 - Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Availability: Days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday

Availability: Times Late Evening (9 PM - 12 AM)

What is your experience level with D&D? Beginner

Which role, or roles, do you prefer to play? Player

What is your favorite class to play? Druid, Sorcerer

Platform Preference Roll20, Discord

Campaign Style Balanced

Campaign Style Preference Classic Fantasy (Standard D&D), High Magic/Epic Fantasy

Interest Confirmation Yes

Suggestions, Comments, or Other Thoughts

Stormwreck Isle Welcome players!

I wanted to take a moment to personally welcome, and thank, the following players for being the first to take part in the launch of Dungeons & Dragons campaigns here at UORealms... and hopefully to the start of many, many more!

Thank you all:

@Mistymoon @Kikco1990 @petecord3000 @Garmr and Ms_Cow -- who I do not believe it part of the forums, just yet... [[taps foot...]]

and, of course, a big thank you to @AlphaPup for making the awesome happen!

Thanks everyone! ❤️

is interested in live D&D campaigns!

IP address:

Name Cam Carroll

Do you have a Discord account? Yes

Discord ID depraxisprime

Time Zone UTC+10:00 - Australian Eastern Time

Availability: Days Thursday, Saturday

Availability: Times Early Evening (6 PM - 9 PM)

What is your experience level with D&D? Intermediate

Which role, or roles, do you prefer to play? Player

What is your favorite class to play? Paladin, Ranger

Platform Preference Discord

Campaign Style Balanced

Campaign Style Preference Classic Fantasy (Standard D&D), High Magic/Epic Fantasy

Interest Confirmation No

Thank you for letting us know you're not currently interested in participating in our live D&D campaigns. We'd love to hear if there's anything we could do to make it more appealing for you in the future. Your feedback helps us create a better experience for everyone!

Suggestions, Comments, or Other Thoughts

We Need Your Help...

We're always looking for ways to improve the UORealms community to make it a more enjoyable place to hang out, game, and have a good time.

We cannot do that without your feedback -- would you be so kind to take a few moments to complete our brief survey? Your answers will help us to make UORealms a better experience for everyone.

Thank you, and please note: if you're trying to access the below link from the launchers default browser - it does not seem to work! Simply copy and paste it into your regular browser and it'll work fine. Sorry :(


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