** Warning : Graphic Violence **
** If you are not a fan of blood, or the kind of stuff you'd find in 80's action movies, you should skip this chapter. **
(( You fumble with a section of the journal that comes loose, pages spill across the floor, a page catches your eye. Entree 28 ))
"I had heard tales of pirates haunting these waters. To cross the northern straits even in midsummer would a daring task. Though it may have been possible if the water was more fair then norm, and if ye had a helmsman with steady hands 'en nerves of steel to boot. Then again I was no sailor, it may have been possible for all I knew. It mattered little to me."
"Closing on the northern shore I saw a mast cresting over the horizon. As I slowly made my way forward. From my perch in the nearby tree line I saw it. The tell tale colors of a pirate flag and the makings of a small encampment on the coastline. Bloody hell. There was a lot of them. Would have to be to man a ship that large. Luckily enough it seemed most of them where on the ship still and only a few tending to camp. One, Two, Four, Five. Well, that I could see at least, the tents worried me. No telling how many more where in there. This may be folly even to try, yet I could not just leave. These blaggard would descend like vultures on the unwary. No, there was business to be had. I emptied my haversack and unfurled my leather roll, pulling free my tools. I stuck two small hatchets into my belt, and my skinning knife as well. My hand rested on my belt loop checking my felling axe, nodding to myself. I loaded my crossbow, and took a deep breath."
"One around the corner, revealing themselves behind a tent. Three at the hearth, one stirring the pot, and two deep in cups. One entering the tent on the far end. I needed to be quick about it. Creeping slowly, like a mountain cat, I made my way around the corner. Gently, I leaned my crossbow against the the tent. Stepping behind the currently occupied buccaneer, I pulled my knife free from my belt. With my free hand I covered their mouth, and with a quick motion drew my knife across their neck. They went limp, dropping into their own filth. Hopefully they'd all be this easy, but I doubted it."
"Knife still in hand I slashed down the back side of the tent, leaving a red streak down the canvas. I reached out, retrieving my crossbow from where I left it, and made my way inside. Another pirate, dead a sleep in the cot, well, soon to be much deader. I drove my knife downward, like a carpenter striking a nail. It made a satisfying thunk, with a firm grip I gave it a twist. I made for the tent flap, eyeing the three at the hearth. The makeshift cook noticed me. I pulled the trigger, and my bolt flew. It struck with such force that it sent him ass over head. The two drunkards sobbed up quickly at the sight, grabbing their cutlasses and charging in on me. Dropping the crossbow, I retrieved on of my hatchets and let if fly. It sang threw the air cracking the nearest corsair in the cap causing them to skid across the grass, lurch over, and drop. The other one was on me now. I undid my felling axe from its loop, moving it to intercept the on coming cutlass. Well maintained oaken haft trumps rusty blade. My boot found the side of their knee. I could hear the distinct sound of cracking, vaguely reminiscent of splitting wood. With a yelp they dropped to their knees, as my axe came down with a returning strike. It sliced clean through, and another head rolled."
"I made haste quickly for the last tent, with any luck it should be only the one that entered previously. Rushing in I was met with the remaining pirate, and a mage. A mage? When did pirates hire mages of all things. Mages made good coin out in the world, and here was one cavorting with pirates no less. Damn. No time to think. The mage was in shock. Guess he never suspected anyone would dare attack this camp. Good. With all the strength and speed I could muster I let my last hatchet fly. The mage cowered behind their spellbook. The hatched dug deep into the tome. The mage looking shaken. Better, they shouldn't be able to get off a spell quick in that condition. That left the pirate in front of me, also seemingly shocked into bewilderment. The butt of my axe found its way into their stomach driving the air from them, then quickly up into their jaw. Crack! They fell over backwards. My axe came down, splitting their chest like a bird on a feasting day. The mage seem to have grasp the seriousness of the situation he was in now. He was doing something, or trying at least now. No time, I couldn't let them get a spell off. I jolted forward, tackling them to the ground. The belly of my axe was now against his neck. I pushed down hard, as he tried to wrestle himself free. It was no use. With a cough and a sputter they where snuffed out like a wick on a candle. I stood with a grunt, collecting my tools that lay strewn about the place. I eyed the ship nestled down in the cove. Now that is going to be some work, I sighed."
(( To Be Continued ))